Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Hacking is something that almost every person deals with in life. People (hackers) that hack in your computer, laptop or mobile phone, and see your private information. Hackers are impossible to stop. They always find another way to hack in something.

According to: Technopedia hacking is unauthorized intrusion into a computer network. The person engaged in hacking activities is generally referred to as a hacker. This hacker may after alter system or security features to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system.

Hacking may looks so difficult but it's actually not. People with no experience and don't know what there doing can hack into people computers. There must be a way to stop this but we don't know how.
The federal government has there own hackers, sometimes you need hackers for the safety of your own country, but that's hacking in a good way. A lot of people are hacking in a bad way.

According to: Wikipedia phone hacking, is the practice of manipulating or gaining unauthorized access to mobile phones, such as by intercepting telephone calls or accessing voicemail messages. When the unauthorized access is to the phone user's conversation, it is more commonly referred to as phone tapping.

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