Wednesday, November 8, 2017


No, don't pick me up I bite! I see that you have invaded many homes and buildings. For a long time I thought you were a ladybug, but no you bite and smell. How do you peevish little creatures get in our homes and, buildings.

In this article "Ladybug or Asian beetle" the author informs us that the "masses of ladybugs have been known to swarm and even bite when seeking shelter for the winter months" these past weeks I have found some in the vehicle and, thought they were lady bugs but, than I killed one and boy did it have a bad smell. I was outside one day too and felt one crawl on my leg and felt a little sting to it. 

 "Their colors may vary from red, and orange to a dull cream". To me they are very pretty and, small. they have pretty spots and just makes them look sweet because of the way they are. They bite and it stings really bad. A lot of them are orange with black spots. To me i feel like the ones i seen are always orange with black spots. 

Yes, I will pick you up and fling you outside were you belong. You invade my space every morning and it is annoying to pick you out. You smell bad and you are mean too. But you are a beautiful creature still. I can get in your vehicle if you do not shut your air conditioning holes I will make my way in your vehicle. So far I have kept them shut at night so you little peevish Asian Beetles will stay out. 

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