Thursday, February 8, 2018

Going to school in another country

Going to school in another country can be excited but also a little scary. You going to meet new people, you have to start and learn their language, education level can be higher or lower, you're going to learn their way of living life, it's a lot what you going to face. I went to school in Amsterdam and it's so different then high school in the States. Education level is higher in Amsterdam. In the States their's a lot of sports involved int school. In the Netherlands you have to go to private schools to play sports with your education, and you have to be good in the sport you play.

According to: How to go to College in another Country

Getting accepted to the college of your choice isn't the only thing you have to prepare for to study abroad. You also need to make sure obtain a visa or other form of permit. Different countries have different requirements for this process, so make sure you look into the regulations for your area.

I agree with that. I had to apply for a visa first and it takes a little bit before you get it. They have to look trough your records, and after that they invite you for a interview. And if they think you going to do something else, they reject your apply and you not get a visa.


  1. What else was different about school in Amsterdam?

    1. We had different schedules. We had a week schedule. So for an example on Monday, class starts at 11 am and ends at 2 pm. And on Tuesday it was from 9 am till 1 pm.

  2. How much do you already know that's taught in this school, since the education level in Amsterdam is higher than the education level here?

    1. Well since all the measurements and formulas are way different then in the Netherlands. It was pretty hard to learn the new type of education. I'm still learning new things, but i've learned a lot of things.

  3. Why would you have to go to a private school in order to be involved in sports?

    1. Schools in the Netherlands don't have sports involved in their program. It's all about the education. If you want to play sports you have to play the sport you like at a travel team. But if you're really good in the sport you play you can go to a private school to focus on your sport and your education. You have to be selected for the program and It's not that easy.

  4. I can't imagine how different and hard it would be to go to school in a different country. Where do you like it more? What does Amsterdam have that we don't? Or what do we have that Amsterdam doesn't?

    1. Going to school in another country is pretty different. You can't just talk to your schoolmates in your own language. You have to start talking the language they talk. Compared to Batesville High School, going to school in Amsterdam is way more nicer. Amsterdam is a huge city, with big buildings, nice malls, and public traffic.

  5. What was it like going to school there? Compared to how things are here in Batesville?

  6. Do you plan on staying here or going back to Amsterdam?

  7. How are the people there different from here?

  8. Going to school in a different country must be really hard but how do you learn to adapt to a different life style? Or do you even adapt at all?

  9. I can't imagine how different things are there than they are from here. What is it like lifestyle wise moving?


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