Friday, February 23, 2018

Government Shutdown

President Donald Trump warned that the present round of immigration negotiations over the DACA program. Trump his words ''this will be our last chance to reach an agreement on the issue and called for a bipartisan deal.

According to USA Today

The House has narrowly passed a sweeping bipartisan budget accord, ending an hours long government shutdown and clearing a path of huge spending increases for both the Pentagon and domestic programs.

According to CNN 
President Donald Trump signed a bill Monday night ending the government shutdown, capping off a nearly three-day deadlock and reinstating funds until February 8, a senior administration official said.

I honestly don't know nothing about the government shutdown and what is going on. But what I know is that they have to make big decisions and do what is best for the people in the nation and their safety.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Going to school in another country

Going to school in another country can be excited but also a little scary. You going to meet new people, you have to start and learn their language, education level can be higher or lower, you're going to learn their way of living life, it's a lot what you going to face. I went to school in Amsterdam and it's so different then high school in the States. Education level is higher in Amsterdam. In the States their's a lot of sports involved int school. In the Netherlands you have to go to private schools to play sports with your education, and you have to be good in the sport you play.

According to: How to go to College in another Country

Getting accepted to the college of your choice isn't the only thing you have to prepare for to study abroad. You also need to make sure obtain a visa or other form of permit. Different countries have different requirements for this process, so make sure you look into the regulations for your area.

I agree with that. I had to apply for a visa first and it takes a little bit before you get it. They have to look trough your records, and after that they invite you for a interview. And if they think you going to do something else, they reject your apply and you not get a visa.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Salem witch trails story

The infamous Salem witch trails began during the spring of 1692, after a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, a special court convened in Salem to hear the cases the first convicted witch, Bridget Bishop, was hanged that June. Eighteen others followed Bishop to Salem's Gallows Hill, while some 150 more men, woman and children were accused over the next several months.
By September 1692, the hysteria had begun to abate and public opinion turned against the trials. Though the Massachusetts General Court later annulled guilty verdicts against accused witches and granted indemnities to their families, bitterness lingered in the community, and the painful legacy of the Salem with trails would endure for centuries.

I believe the whole trial could have been handled different, Instead of executing all of those people. I think that they should've investigated deeper into the cause, rather than pointing fingers and blaming others for their mistakes.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Census experts and public officials are expressing growing concerns that the bedrock mission of the 2020, census an accurate and trustworthy head count of everyone in the United States, is imperiled, with worrisome implications.

According to 2020 Census
Preparations for the count already are complicated by a sea change in the census itself: For the first time, it will be conducted largely online instead of by mail. But as the Census Bureau ramps up its spending and work force for the 2020 count, it is saddled with problems. Its two top administrative posts are filled by placeholders. Years of underfunding by Congress and cost overruns on the digital transition have forced the agency to pare back its preparations, including abandoning two of the three trial runs of the overhauled census process.

Taken together, some experts say, those isseus substantially raise the risk that the 2020 count could be flawed, disputed, or both.

My One Word for 2018: Baseball

Baseball got in my life since I was 3 year old. Baseball is for me my one word for 2018. This year I have to go chase my dreams of being a pro-baseballer. I've always dreamed about this moment. To play baseball for an American high school, and after high school go play for college.

In 2015 I got selected for The Kingdom Of The Netherlands, and 2 months after we had tournament in Tokyo (Japan). Because I was 15 years old and the youngest it was kinda hard for me, because everyone else was so big and strong.

In 2017 at a game against Spain I ripped a muscle in my back, after the doctors checked me they told me I was done for this year and that I couldn't play this year. I think that was the hardest part in my life. This is the first time in over a year that I play baseball again. This chance is very important for me, and my goal now in 2018 is to be champions with the Pioneers and get a scholarship with baseball. 2018 has to be my year! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Ty Dolla Sign

Ty Dolla Sign, better known as Tyrone Griffin. One of the top famous singer songwriters at the moment. He became famous for writing and producing the song Toot it and boot it. According to: Ty dolla Sign was a gang member, representing the Bloods, while his brother was a Crip.
Dolla Sign has a little brother named Big T.C. (Jabreal Muhammad) who's in prison for a murder he says he didn't commit. Ty Dolla Sign released an album about his brother and where his brother is part of multiple songs. I think that is one of the best albums that's ever released.

Ty Dolla Sign sings and raps, combining elements of hip hop music and r&b. When asked if he was a rapper, he stated ''People would call it rap, but I really don't feel like I rap. There's so many great rappers, like if we had to battle or some shit, they would just cream me. I don't really consider myself a rapper, I just happen to have bars, or something like that. I still sing man, I'm a singer, ya feel me?''

Ty is my example of life, he's just living his life and doesn't listen what people say to him. He's an great artist and one of the best at the moment, and a great person!

Government Shutdown

President Donald Trump warned that the present round of immigration negotiations over the DACA program. Trump his words ''this will ...